Conference Proceedings


Proceedings of the 2023 Global Polytechnic Summit: Technology & Talent Advancing a Comprehensive and Global Strategy, Utah, USA, Scholastica

Partnership for Resource Sharing, Education, and Coaching to Enhance Student Career Readiness (PaRSEC to Enhance SCR),"

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, S. N. Odai, S. B. Oppong-Mensah, and F. K. G. Kodua

IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Technology

Enhancing Grid-Connected PV System Performance: Loss Analysis and Efficiency Improvement Strategies

Contributing Authors
O. F. Darteh, G. Wang, Q. Liu, X. Liu, and A. Acakpovi

International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer and Information Technology (ICEECIT)

Dynamic voltage stability study of a stand-alone photovoltaic microgrid supplying an electric mill in Benin rural zone

Contributing Authors
C. B. Mitokpe, F.X.N, Fifatin, R. G. Agbokpanzo, A. Acakpovi, A.B.K. Didavi

IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress

Emerging Simulation Frameworks for Analysing Smart Grid Cyberattack: A Literature Review

Contributing Authors
O. F. Darteh, Q. Liu, X. Liu, I. Bah, F.M.Nakoty, A. Acakpovi

International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST)

Dynamic stability analysis of a standalone phtotvoltaic microgrid on a dynamic load in rural area

Contributing Authors
C. B. Mitokpe, F.X.N, Fifatin, R. G. Agbokpanzo, A. Acakpovi, A.B.K. Didavi


IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress

Emerging Simulation Frameworks for Analysing Smart Grid Cyberattack: A Literature Review

Contributing Authors
O. F. Darteh, Q. Liu, X. Liu, I. Bah, F.M.Nakoty, A. Acakpovi

IEEE/IET International Utility Conference and Exposition (IUCE)

Impact of Distributed Power Generation on A Distribution Network: A Case Study of Micro-Hydro Power Plant in Ghana

Contributing Authors
D.M. Sackey, D.S.Komla, B. Moller, P.K. Kagbetor, D. Owusu-Manu, A. Acakpovi

IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IHTC)

The Moderating Roles of Consumer Profiles and Choice Determinants in the Energy Efficiency and Appliance Purchase relationship in Ghana: Household Refrigerators

Contributing Authors
Z. H. Nsoh, D.M. Sackey, E. B. Hagan, A. Acakpovi, K.A. Agyarko

2020 - 2021

Applied Research Conf. in Africa on Sustainable Educ. and Dev. - Making Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable

Analysis of Electrochemical Machining-Textured Surfaces Under Point Contacts in Rolling Tribo-Test

Contributing Authors
G. K. Gyimah, E. K. Oman, P. Nyanor, A. Acakpovi, S. Jiang, Z. Guo, G. C. Barber

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

A Multi-Criteria Approach for Energetic Expense Cut Back Through Climate-Friendly Material Selection for Office Building Development: A Conceptual Framework

Contributing Authors
G.Sarpong-Nsiah, A.Acakpovi, G.Kwamina Aggrey

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Oil Film Characterization of PTFE During EHL Point Contact and Pure Rollling Tribology Tests

Contributing Authors
G.k. Gyimah, Shuzhen Jiang, A.Acakpovi, E.K. Oman, P. Nyanor, G.C Barber

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

IoT Based Street Light Controller and Monitoring System

Contributing Authors
Perry Etornam Lartsey, Douglas Tetteh Ayitey, Amevi Acakpovi, Ronald Esare Arthur

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Modelling and Simulation of Magnetic Fields in the Vicinity of High Voltage Transmission Line

Contributing Authors
Romaric Adegbola, François Xavier Fifatin , Richard Agbokpanzo, Amevi Acakpovi

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

A Multi-Criteria Approach for Energetic Expense and Carbon Dioxide Emission Decrease through Locally Sourced and Recycled Building Material Selection: Housing Construction in Ghana

Contributing Authors
Sarpong-Nsiah, G, Amevi Acakpovi, George Kwamina Aggrey

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Investigating Factors Affecting Material Selection: The Impacts on Climate-Friendly Materials in Energetic Expense and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction

Contributing Authors
Sarpong-Nsiah G., Amevi Acakpovi, George Kwamina Aggrey

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Design and Development of Shuttlefy: A Smart Shuttle System for University of Ghana Campus

Contributing Authors
Robert Sowah, Henry Osei Agyemang, Alfred Degbang, A.Acakpovi, Gifty Buah, Elvis Bosomafi

International Conf. on Cybersecurity & Internet of Things(ICSIoT), Hybrid (online + f2f), Paris , France

Innovative Fire Detection and Alarm System for Sustainable City Development

Contributing Authors
Amevi Acakpovi, Douglas Tetteh Ayitey, Edward Nagai Adjaloko

2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Harare, IEOM, Zimbabwe

Convolutional Neural Networks for Solid Waste Segregation and Prospects of Waste-to-Energy in Ghana

Contributing Authors
Ruhiya Abubakar, K.M Sharath Kumar, Amevi Acakpovi, Ussif William Ayinga, Nana Agyeman Prempeh, Jeremiah Tetteh, Ethel Seyram Kumassah


International Conf. in Computer, Data Science and Applications (ICDSA)

Innovative Burse Call System for Patients in Healthcare Centres

Contributing Authors
J.K.Arthur, T.B.T.C Aka, A. Acakpovi

International Conf. on Communications, Signal Processing & Networks

Comparative Analysis of Orthogonal Frequency Division Modulation and Filter Bank-Based Multicarrier Modulation

Contributing Authors
J.K.Arthur, T.B.T.C Aka, A. Acakpovi,

International Conf. on Communications, Signal Processing & Networks

Evaluation of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, A. Ogunsola, S. FakhryN.Y, . Asabere, H. Mohammed, J.K. Arthur

International Conf. on Computing, Computational Model. and Applications

Adoption of Smart Grid in Ghana Using Pattern Recognition Neural Networks

Contributing Authors
R. Abubakar, E.K. Effah, S.A. Frimpong, A. Acakpovi, P. Acheampong and G.R. Kadambi

Procedia Manufacturing Vol. 35

Barriers and prospects of smart grid adoption in Ghana

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, R. Abubakar, N. Y. Asabere and I. B. Majeed

International Conf. on Computing, Computational Model. & Applications

Evaluation of Inter-Cell Interference and BER on a Downlink PDSCH of the LTE Network

Contributing Authors
O. A. Antwi and A. Acakpovi

International Conf. on Computing, Computational Model. & Applications

Evaluation of Noise Effects on Power Line Communication in a Narrow and Wide Band Frequency Spectrum: A Case Study of Electricity Distribution Network of Ghana

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, H. Mohammed, N. Nwulu, F. X. N. Fifatin, T. C. Nounangnonhou and R. Abubakar

International Conf. on Computing, Computational Model. & Applications

Impact Analysis of Induced FM Radio Interferences on Aeronautical Radio Navigation Systems: Case Study of Kotoka International Airport, Accra-Ghana

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, I. Tefutor, K. Quist-Aphetsi, N. Nwulu, R. Sowah, and R. Abubakar

International Conf. on Computing, Computational Model. & Applications

Performance Evaluation of FBMC Compared to OFDM by Simulation with Matlab

Contributing Authors
T. B. T. C. Aka, A. Acakpovi, and K. Quist-Aphetsi

International Conf. on Computing, Computational Model. & Applications

Modelling an Efficient Gap Filler for DTT Network Using ADS Software

Contributing Authors
F. Mensah, A. Acakpovi, F. Osumanu, R. Sowah, F. X. N. Fifatin, and T. C. Nounangnonhou

International Conf. on Cyber Security and Internet of Things

Innovative Prediction of Vehicle Position Based on Closed Loop Modeling of Capacitive Accelerometer

Contributing Authors
M. Hamidu and J. J. Kponyo, and A. Acakpovi


2nd Conference of the Society of Catholic Social Scientist (SCSS)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation: A Reliable Means of Ensuring Sustainable Environment and Economic Growth: The Role of the Church

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, N. Y. Asabere, and S. Duah-Yentumi

2nd Conference of the Society of Catholic Social Scientist (SCSS)

Evaluating the Core Factors that Influence the Adoption of Electronic Government in Ghana

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, P. Asare, and N. Y. Asabere

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Design of Power Distribution Network Fault Data Collector for Fault Detection, Location and Classification using Machine Learning

Contributing Authors
R. A. Sowah, N. A. Dzabeng, A. R. Ofoli, A. Acakpovi, K. M. Koumadi, J. Ocrah, and D. Martin

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Efficient Modelling of a PCB Transmission Line for High Speed Digital Systems

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, N. Y. Asabere, R. Sowah, R. Abubakar, and S. B. Amo

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Interoperability of Heterogeneous Appliances in Home Automation Using theAllJoyn Framework

Contributing Authors
R. A. Sowah, K. O. Apeadu, A. Ofoli, K. Koumadi, A. Acakpovi, and S. K. Armoo

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

High Gain 2.4 GHz Two-Way Direction Wi-Fi Antenna for Underground Mine-Tunnel

Contributing Authors
S. B. Amo, A. Acakpovi, N. Y. Asabere, R. Abubakar, and R. Sowah

International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Critical success factors (CSFs) of MIDA compact I road transport project in Ghana

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, A. M. Adutwum, M. B. Michael, S. B. Amo, and A. Deku,


IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

A relay-based technique to reduce uplink transmit power in multi-operator mobile communication systems

Contributing Authors
K. M. Koumadi, A. Acakpovi, D. W. Kogue and J. A. Hountondji

IEEE International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST), Vol. 1

Transmission power minimization for a multi-application user in OFDMA systems

Contributing Authors
K. M. Koumadi, A. Acakpovi, and R. A. Sowah

IEEE 4th International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Comparative analysis of plastic optical fiber and glass optical fiber for home networks

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi and M. P. L. M. Voumbo

IEEE 4th International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Joint bandwidth and power allocation at mobile stations for QoS-constrained multimedia applications

Contributing Authors
K. M. Koumadi, R. A. Sowah, and A. Acakpovi

IEEE 4th International Conf. on Adaptive Science & Tech. (ICAST)

Analytical Method of Sizing Photovoltaic Water Pumping System

Contributing Authors
A. Acakpovi, F.-X. N. Fifatin, and R. Awuah-baffour

12th Trienn. Inernational Conf. Liq. At. Spray System

Mechanism of Atomization of Non-Newtonian Suspensions using Hydraulic Spray Nozzles

Contributing Authors
F. Addo-Yobo, F. Kutsanedzie, A. Acakpovi, A. Woode, and E. Mends-Brew