Committee Works

Accra Technical University

The management of Accra Technical University relies on established committees that work and report through a structured system. A number of these committees known as Statutory Committees are chaired by Prof. Amevi Acakpovi and is to report to the Academic Board through the Vice Chancellor.

2016 - 2017
1st Sept - Present

ATU Research Journal: APT Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Proofreader (Engineering)

Work Done

Served as Proofreader for the publication of the journal first volume

12th April

11th Edition of 2017 GHAPSA Games

Official in charge of Male Basketball Coordination

Work Done

Games took place effectively with smooth coordination and the male team came out as the winner of the games.

3rd May

Adhoc Committee on acquisition of an institutional FM Radio Station


Work Done
  • Comprehensive proposal developed and submitted to NCA
  • Radio station successfully implemented at ATU-SRC block
4th July - 31st May

Faculty Appointment Review Committee


Work Done

Review of promotion documents of Faculty members.

11th - 25th July

Adhoc Committee to suggest measures to improve the power consumption of facilities at ATU


Work Done

Report submitted on relevant measures to curb the increasing electricity consumption at ATU.

7th - 17th Aug

University's Language Laboratory

French-English Language Proficiency Course Lecturer

Work Done

Training of Ivorian team from IFHB (Lecturers and Students) during the long vacation

17th Nov

Academic Board


Work Done

Discussion and decisions made on all issues concerning ATU management

9th - 17th Jun

Partnership and Applied Sciences workshop Germany

Nominee, participant

Work Done

Development of Sustainability concept (blue track curricula) and MSc in Renewable Engineering Program

8th - 22nd Jun

Committee to determine conditions to admit Tech Part I and II in BTech Programmes


Work Done

Report submitted and adopted by Admission Board and subsequently, Academic Board

1st Nov

Staff Development (Senior Members) Committee


Work Done

Regular Committee duties as in schedule D (2) of our statutes

20th Dec - 14th Jan 2019

Committee to draft Syllabus for an MTech Prog. in Renewable Energy Engineering

Chairman of Committee

Work Done

Draft syllabus developed and submitted to NCTE

14th Feb - 1st Mar 2020

Committee to liaise with Energy Commission of Ghana for the Setting up of a Centre for Certified Electrical Wiring Professional


Work Done

Proposal Developed and Submitted to the University Management

17th Mar - 5th July

Virtual Industrial Attachment Supervision

Monitor for Virtual Internship Program

Work Done

Speech delivered at the opening and closing ceremonies supervision of the internship process

21st - 24th Mar

Workshop on finalization and implementation of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene programs


Work Done

NAB document completely developed for HND and Diploma in Water and Sanitation Engineering & Industrial Automation Engineering

9th Apr - 13th May

Ad-HOC Committee created by the VC to develop policy on the University Website and architecture


Work Done

Policy and website architecture were successfully developed and submitted

10th - 31st May

Examinations Supervision

Centre Supervisor

Work Done

Supervision done properly with no challenge

30th May - 6th Jun

Tender Evaluations Panel for the purchase of PLC equipment


Work Done

Client successfully selected and equipment delivered

20th Jun - Present

Committee for the Establishment of a Centre of Excellence in Unmanned Aircraft Systems


Work Done
  • Development of NCTE proposal for BTech in Robotic Studies
  • Development of Poster Presentation for Attendance of Ministerial Conference
  • Training of candidates
29th Aug - 20th Oct

Committee to draft an academic philosophy for Accra Technical University


Work Done

Philosophy drafted, presented at Academic Board and adopted by the institution

5th - 6th Sept

Two-day retreat: Team Building and Joint Vision Development for Leading Change in Academia


Work Done

Draft Vision Developed

11th Sept - 27th Sept 2020

Revision and validation of a one year curriculum for Biomedical Equipment Maintenance


Work Done

Programme reviewed with necessary corrections, Operation documents developed and Implementation followed. The programme is currently running.

24th Sept - Present

Taskforce to Strengthen the Linkage between Accra Technical University (ATU) and Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC)


Work Done

Communication has been established with GBC. There are on-gong efforts to develop a Diploma and BTech curriculum to integrate the programmes run at GBC and give them ATU certificates

14th - 16th Jan

Attendance of the official launch of the Ghana Results Fair, International Conference Centre, Accra


Work Done

Program well planned and delivered

8th - 25th Jan

End of First Semester Examination 2019-2020 academic year

Centre Supervisor at the “E” & “ICT” Exam Centre

Work Done

Supervision done properly with no challenge

1st Feb - Present

Examination Malpratice Committee


Work Done

Successful implementation of University's policy regarding malpractice

25th Feb

Mini-Conference by Hotel Catering and Institutional Management

Work Done

Participating in drafting strategies to better manage hotel particularly the ATU lodge

16th Mar - 15th May

Strategic Plan Committee


Work Done

Developed new strategic plan for ATU based on 8 pillars

21st Aug - 11th Sept

ARIF 2020 Proposals Evaluating Committee


Work Done

Evaluated proposals for funding support

14th Oct

Risk Management Committee


Work Done

Work in progress

17th Feb

Technical Committee to Oversee Progress of Infrastructural Development on Campus


Work Done

Continuous infrastructure development including but not limited to:

  • Lecture facilities
  • Sport Complex
  • Hospital block
  • All Mpmehuasem new blocks (lecturers flats, students hostel, admin block)
10th - 26th Feb

Committee to review course material for students


Work Done

Policy on course material developed and presented to Management

13th Apr - 31st May

Joint Working Team: ATU-Military Academy Training School (MATS)


Work Done
  • Revised MoU
  • Revised Cost Sharing Model
  • Framework for Operation Document
  • Affiliation Desk Set Up
24th - 28th Mar
4th - 6th May

Acting for the Vice-Chancellor

Vice Chancellor

Work Done

Performing the Duties of the VC

1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Staff Development)


Work Done
  • Examine and take appropriate actions on all applications for grants for staff developments as approved by the Academic Board
  • Draft staff development policies to guide applications and sponsorships of staff within the University
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Budget)


Work Done
  • Review and allocate resources in line with the University's Strategic Plan
  • Review of revenue and expenditure estimates of Faulties, Directorates, Departments etc.
  • Monitor and evaluate budget performance
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Library Board)


Work Done
  • Supervise and direct operations of the Library
  • Review and recommend the list of books, journals and other materials needed for the Library
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Industrial Liaison)


Work Done
  • Organizing and implementing of industrial Attachment programmes for staff and students
  • Ensure that staff and students are given career development training
  • Proposing policies to improve the collaboration between the University and Industry
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Guidance and Counselling)


Work Done
  • Draw up programs to be implemented by the Guidance and Counselling Unit every semester
  • Monitor and generally supervise the work of this unit
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (University Examination Board)


Work Done
  • Organize examinations and other related assignments that emerge from the examination regulations
  • Vetting all examinations results for compliance with the university and external bodies Exams policies
  • Ensure that students observe examinations rules and regulations
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Business Advisory)


Work Done
  • Review of the activities of all income generation units in the University
  • Develop and manage all non-academic commercial projects, tasks and initiatives
  • Co-ordinate all commercial activities of all the production units of the University
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Transport)


Work Done
  • Monitor and ensure the implementation of the transportation policy
  • Recommend to the Academic Board policy guidelines for operating an efficient transportation system
  • Undertake assessment on the kind of vehicles to acquire for the University
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Scholarships)


Work Done
  • Advise the Academic Board on the University Scholarship policy
  • Involved in all matters in respect of scholoarships to staff and students
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Research and Innovation)


Work Done
  • Periodically publish research activitties undertaken as well as progress made within the University
  • Examine and take appropirate action on all applications for grants for research and conferences chargeable to the Research Fund.
  • Maintain links with research-funding agencies and to serve as a channel for major research project
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Quality Assurance)


Work Done
  • Establishment and improvement of the teaching alnd learning structures of the University
  • Monitor, supervise and give direction to the Quality Assurance Directorate
  • Work to achieve good professionalism among the staff of the University as desired by the Academic Board
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Public Relations)


Work Done
  • Establish contact between the University Community and the public and with the University's Alumni Association
  • Organize and co-ordinate all public lectures in the University
  • Monitor all incoming and outgoing information affecting the University
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Academic Prizes)


Work Done
  • To review offers of prixes by prospective benefactors and to make recommendations to Academic Board
  • To formulate policy to guide academic prizes and awards subject to the approval of the Academic Board
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Residence and Housing)


Work Done
  • Review of rent charges for the accommodation units
  • Review the housing accommodation policies and procedures ot the University
  • Review the accommodation and the Guest House facilities of the University
1st Jun 21 - 30th Mar 23

Statutory Committee (Admission Board)


Work Done
  • Approve qualified candidates recommended by the Faculty/School Admissions Board for admission into the University.
  • Make recommendations to the Academic board on the admissions policy
  • Any other functions assigned to it by the Academic Board
3rd Jun

Department of Marketing


Work Done

Assessed and made recommendations for promotion documents of Dr. Michael Addai

10th - 22nd Jul

Curriculum Development Committee (Faculty of Engineering)


Work Done

Develop a curriculum for MTECH Energy Systems Development and Management (Work in Progress)

10th - 22nd Jul

Curriculum Development Committee (Faculty of Engineering)


Work Done

Develop a curriculum for BTECH Computer Engineering (Work in Progress)